St. Thomas More comforting his daughter, Margaret on his way to the scaffold 6 July 1535 (aged 57), London, England. More's body was buried at the Tower of London, in the chapel of
St Peter ad Vincula. His head was placed over London Bridge for a month after which it was rescued by his daughter, Margaret, before it could be thrown in the River Thames. His skull is believed to rest in the Roper Vault of St. Dunstan's, Canterbury.
Look at the Catholic witnesses in England and pray, for our time is approaching.
Act of Resignation
O Lord, my God, from this day I accept from your hand willingly and with submission, the kind of death that it may please you to send me, with all its sorrows, pains, and anguish. Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit. Do with me what You will. Amen+
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