Dutch words: "Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I give you my heart. I give you my life."
Another treasure from Micki at Holy Cards for your Inspiration. I could not resist posting again here in honor of the holy hearts of Jesus and His earthly parents. Enjoy.
"This is one of Illinois' native and endangered orchids. This little orchid is only about 4 inches tall."
Maidenhair Fern
Slim, grouped leaves which resemble tresses of a ladie's hair.
Yellow Bedstraw or Galium verum
Resembles clusters of blond hair. With this name, must have been used in medieval Europe as a bedding.
Asparagus Fern
Our Lady as she appeared to the seers of La Salette, France
Virginia Spiderwort: blue tear-like fluid from spent blooms
Ladie's Mantle: drops of water remaining on leaves from rain
Lily of the Valley: small tear-like white blooms
Iris with "spear like" foilage