Are you among many, like myself who seem to have no time? Employers are definately more demanding in these times. It would seem we are all expected to do what we simply cannot do, accomplish that which we cannot possibly accomplish. There are limits to what one person, one family, one group can do.
We are called as people of Christ to perform acts of charity: give of our time, our money, our prayers. If you are like me, after working, tending to home and family needs, there is precious little left of my inner resources. Prayer is above all needed in every spare moment. A soul without prayer is a soul that is dead. I must have God and prayer is the only way my poor soul has to communicate with Him.
Ok, so my family, home, job are demanding of everything, what is left is given to prayer - when, praytell am I to perform acts of charity???
If you cannot do charity, perform many and frequent acts of humility. Pour out to God, His mother and His saints how wretched and impoverished you are - tell them in what great need you are of their help! Humble yourself before the Lord and He will, in His loving kindness, bend to you. These acts of humility prepare the soul for later and greater acts of charity!
2. O divine Lord, how shall I dare to approach you, I who have so often offended you? No, Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof; but speak only the word and my soul shall be healed. Amen+
3. O my Saviour! whom am I that Thou shouldst invite me to receive Thee for the food of my soul? Is it possible that Thou, the God of infinite purity, shouldst come and dwell in my heart,which has been so long the abode of Thine enemy, and the sink of so much sin? Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean.Say but the word and my soul shall be healed. I come then, O my amiable Saviour, to receive Thee this morning, but I come covered with shame and confusion at the sight of my sins, but full of confidence in Thy mercy, and in the love which Thou dost bear to me. Amen+
4. O Lord! Give me to know that truly I am the last, the very least of all. I am nothing before your all powerful Majesty. There is no good within me. Have pity on me, a poor sinner. Amen+
1 comment:
Nice prayer and article .praise the lord
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