Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Visions of St. Bridget IX
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Visions of St. Bridget VIII
Monday, January 29, 2007
Visions of St. Bridget VII
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Visions of St. Bridget VI
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Visions of St. Bridget V
Friday, January 26, 2007
Visions of St. Bridget IV
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Visions of St. Bridget III
O Lord Jesus Christ,
(Taken from the Church's official blessing of children of the Feast of the Holy Innocents, included in the Roman Ritual.)
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Visions of St. Bridget II
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Mary's Sorrows - Visions of St Bridget I
Monday, January 22, 2007
Graces Obtained
Father Frederick William Faber
Father Faber was born in Yorkshire, England in 1814. He was converted from the Anglican ministry to Catholicism in 1845. Ordained a priest in 1847, he joined the Oratorians in 1848 under John Henry Cardinal Newman. In addition to numerous fine hymns, Fr. Faber authored nine books. Fr. Faber died in London in 1863. He is considered a master of the theology of the spiritual life. (Souce: read more here)
Some of his most renown writings are on purgatory - he also had a lively devotion to Our Lady's Sorrows and wrote on that subject as well. Thus his writings are highly regarded and shall be talked about quite a bit on this blog!
As stated in earlier posts, devotion to the Sorrows of Mary have many promises or graces which will come to the soul who practices such. Father Faber in his writing enumerates other graces which are commonly obtained through devotion to Mary's Sorrows:
- "This devotion has a remarkable connection with great inner holiness."
- This devotion "reveals the emptiness of worldly joys. Worldliness finds no soul harder to attack than one entrenched in the sorrows of our Blessed Lady. The world can graft itself upon nothing in this devotion."
- It give us "a permanent share in the sorrow for sin which Jesus and Mary felt."
- Our thoughts are kept close to Jesus Christ, and to Him Crucified.
- To our souls is communicated the "spirit of the Cross, and gives us strength to edure our own sufferings with resignation to the holy Will of God."
- "This devotion is wholly covered with the Precious Blood of Jesus and leads us directly into the depths of the Heart of our Saviour."
- "Anyone who during his lifetime has cherished compassion for thier afllicted Mother may consider this as a most assured sign of predistination."
(Source Devotion to the Sorrowful Mother by TAN Books)
Beloved Mother who greatly suffered, give us a courageous heart like yours.
We accept all the sufferings as God so wishes, our own and that inflicted by others.
You alone purify our suffering so that we may give glory to God and save our souls.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
A Precious Offering
Friday, January 19, 2007
Our Lady's Seventh Sorrow
"God of mercy, let us run
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Recommended Articles
1. Mark Mallett 2. Mark Mallett
3. Spirit Daily
May Mary's prayers go with you always!
Our Lady's Sixth Sorrow
It is sufficient to inform a mother that her son had died to arouse in her heart all her love for her dead child, but Mary witnesses everything. "One of the soldiers with a spear opened His side, and immediately there came out blood and water" (Jn. 19:34). "Christ," it is said, "shared this wound with His Mother. He received the hurt; His Mother endured the pain."
Stay on Calvary for a time with Mary as Jesus is taken down from the cross. Kneel before your afflicted Mother waiting with outstretched arms to take Her beloved Son. She embraces Him sitting at the foot of the cross, is there no one to count her tears? Her Son died for us, and we persist in adding to His torture and crucifixion by our sins. Let us resolve not to torment our Lord, nor His sorrowful Mother any longer. And if we have saddened them in the past by our sins, let us now do what She wants us to do - go and sin no more.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Our Lady's Fifth Sorrow
As soon as our Lord reached Calvary, the soldiers stripped off His clothes, and fixed His hands and feet with nails, fastening Him to the cross. They raised the cross and left Him to die. The executioners left Him, all the Apostles but John left Him, but Mary did not leave Him. She stood close to the cross to be near Him in death. "I did not leave Him," She revealed to St. Bridget, "but stood nearer the cross."
"Jesus, grant that I may die in pressing to my lips the cross that is bathed in Thy Blood!"
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Our Lady's Fourth Sorrow
Monday, January 15, 2007
Our Lady's Third Sorrow
Meditation: How dread was the grief of Mary, when she saw that she had lost her beloved Son! And as if to increase her sorrow, when she sought Him diligently among her kinsfolk and acquaintance, she could hear no tidings of Him. No hindrances stayed her, nor weariness, nor danger; but she forthwith returned to Jerusalem, and for three long days sought Him sorrowing. Great be your confusion, O my soul, who has so often lost your Jesus by your sins, and has given no heed to seek Him at once, a sign that you make very little or no account of the precious treasure of divine love.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Holy Souls
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Our Lady's Second Sorrow
The sorrow of not being able to return to Nazareth due to the homicidal plot King Herod had on her infant Son was excruciating for Our Lady. Let us not forget to meditate on the silent, selfless sacrifices made by St. Joseph as he quickly heeded St. Gabriel's warnings, fleeing his own place of business to guard the lives of his family! Joseph, as head of the household was given the task to defend and safeguard his chaste spouse and his foster-Child? Are we willing to be so completely detached from our desires and comforts that we can flee at a moment's notice from our own homes if this were necessary? Are we, in other words, willing to do what the Holy Family did? Do we truly understand that we have no permanent home here in this life and that we must seek out first the Kingdom of Heaven, of which Holy Mass is a foretaste?
Friday, January 12, 2007
Our Lady's First Sorrow
Then, after praising God for the Messiah, Simeon turns to Mary, so modest, so humble, and utters words, which she held, pondering in the pure vessel of her heart: "This Child is destined to be the downfall and rise of many in Israel, a sign that will be rejected - thou thyself shalt be pierced with a sword so the thoughts of many may be revealed" (Luke 2: 34).
Her sorrows then began. But at her side she had the support of her beloved chaste husband Saint Joseph, Guardian of the Holy Family. Simeon's prophecy was the first of her sorrows, for keeping these things silently in her immaculate heart, she contemplated them, receiving enlightenment from her Heavenly Spouse the Holy Spirit, while leaning on the strength of Joseph.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Other terms are used such as Sorrowful Mother, Our Lady of Tears, Our Lady's Dolors, Dolorous Mother. I have decided to stick with the english term sorrows instead of dolors.
The Catholic Church has also enriched the devotion to Our Lady's sorrows with indulgences for the pious recitation of the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows, and also the Chaplet of Our Lady's Tears. Seven of Mary's Sorrows have been chosen for special veneration. These are the same sorrows of the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows and are as follows:
- The prophecy of Simeon
- The flight into Egypt
- The loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple
- Mary meets Jesus on the way to Calvary
- Jesus dies on the Cross
- Mary receives the dead body of Jesus in her arms
- Jesus is placed in the tomb.
My next several postings will be on these seven sorrows specifically. Thank you for your time and may Mary's prayers go with you always!
What is this blog about?
Keeping our minds on Mary's sorrows greatly assists us in keeping our minds on the suffering of Jesus. Mary is the surest, safest and quickest route to her Son and devotion to His Mother pleases Him greatly. He who loves His Mother, loves Him. Anyone with a lively devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary will tell you this.
I for my part, intend to daily (or nearly daily) place a small, easily read and absorbed devotion, writing and image to assist those who visit here in thier devotion to Mary and her sorrows. I also intend to post regularly regarding assisting the Holy Souls in purgatory. The Church Suffering is too much neglected by us in these days!
It is not my intention to debate anyone about matters of faith, nor am I a Catholic apologist. I am simply a lay Catholic who is trying to save her sorry soul by relying totally on my Heavenly Mother and the Church for help. I welcome those who wish to learn more about these two pious devotions (Mary's Sorrows and the Holy Souls) to visit here regularly and pray with me and for me if you have but a moment. May Mary's prayers go with you always!