Showing posts with label Holy Souls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holy Souls. Show all posts

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Holy Souls

Holy Souls in Purgatory
Great article by Michael Brown from his website Spirit Daily, deserves to be read and meditated on by all the Church. This article is short, and is adapted from his book "Afterlife", take time to read it here.
Two points deserve singling out, firstly: those who have a devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary in this life recieve great help from her in Purgatory -
"The Blessed Mother is there to assist souls and those souls dedicated to her throughout their lives are specially visited as they are waiting their exit. When a mystic named Sister Paola di Santa Teresa was in ecstasy one day, she was taken to a purgatory where she saw the Virgin surrounded by a countless retinue of angels who were with her to free the souls. "
Secondly: Those who do not assist the Holy Souls in Purgatory may not in turn recieve assistance, according to the book "The Secrets of Purgatory" a private revelation available here.
"Those who have forgotten the holy souls are forgotten in their turn."
Our Lord has given the task to Holy Mother Church, the Church Militant the duty of helping pay the debts of our fellows in Purgatory. This devotion was not long ago practiced openly and encouraged greatly by our priests - we have as a religion fallen into sloth in our duty here. Pray often for the holy souls, help them and they will help you with thier prayers. I will post here regularly about this devotion and duty. May Mary's prayers follow you always.