Prophesy of Simon
According to St. Bridget of Sweden
(Source: Revelations of St Bridget by TAN Books)
St. Bridget was visited personally by the Blessed Virgin Mary who related the following to her regarding her ritual purification, the Presentation and Mary's first sorrow - the prophesy of Simeon.
"I did not need purification, like other women, because my Son who was born of me made me clean. Nor did I contract the least stain, who bore my most pure Son without any stain. Nevertheless, that the law and the prophecies might be fulfilled, I chose to live according to the law. Nor did I live like worldly parents, but humbly conversed with the humble. Nor did I wish to show anything extraordinary in me, but loved whatever was humble. On that day as today was my pain increased. For though, by divine inspiration, I knew that my Son was to suffer, yet this grief pierced my heart more keenly at Simeon's words, when he said that a sword should pierce my soul, and that my Son should be set for a sign to be contradicted. And until I was assumed in body and soul into Heaven, this grief never left my heart, although it was tempered by the consolation of the spirit of God. I also wish you to know that from that day my grief was sixfold."
We - in our small minds, tainted with concupiscience and sin cannot even begin to comprehend what suffering Our Mother underwent, who was without sin. In the pure vessel of her Immaculate Heart, she who was "full of grace" suffered greatly in her earthly exile. To be called "Full of Grace" by God logically means there was nothing but grace within her. She as God's greatest creation was closest to God, so therefore she would be granted the greatest share in His suffering. She would then go on to recieve as her reward the greatest share in His glory in Heaven. Let us turn with confidence to Our Sorrowful Mother and ask for many graces. Let us compassionate her sorrows that she may look down from Heaven with pity on us and bring us safely to her Divine Son!
O God, in Whose Passion, according to the prophecy of Simeon,
the dear soul of Mary, Thy glorious Virgin-Mother,
was transfixed by a sword of sorrow;
mercifully grant that we, reverently remembering her woes,
may secure the happy effects of Thy Passion.
Who livest and reignest with Thee
in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God,
world without end.
(Source: My Daily Prayer, Confraternity of the Precious Blood Brooklyn, NY)