Photo above - the agate cup of the Holy Grail sits upon a gold base. The gold base is adorned with two emeralds. The base is dated to be a more recent addition to the Grail but it is also very old.

The Chapel of the Holy Grail in Valencia Cathedral, Valencia Spain. The Chapel of the Holy Grail
contains an agate cup which many people believe to have been used by Christ during the last supper.
contains an agate cup which many people believe to have been used by Christ during the last supper.
Read more about the history of this highly researched relic HERE. Also don't miss a very well done blog entry by Father Zuhlsdorf says: "It could really be it, after all." Read the full post
at his famous What does the prayer really say blog HERE.
Our Holy Father John Paul II venerating this same chalice. He later said mass using it - it was also said this was the first "Peter" to say mass with this chalice since St. Peter.
Food for thought...we most likely will not know until all is revealed at the end of time.
Fun to see you catching up -- but a little intimidating.
That is really interesting - I think I have heard of that one on a history channel documentary. I also remember hearing of a wooden one that was thought to be the grail. I think it is the one that is referred to in this article here.
In the end I don't think anyone will ever know for sure - it is just a matter of faith and I think the actual cup itself isn't that important it is the story and the meaning behind it.
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