Showing posts with label hell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hell. Show all posts

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Holy Card

Image of a French Holy card published by R. Pannier, Paris, in the late 19th century
They don't make them like this anymore. This is an old, 1800's holy card that I ran across when searching for an image for my previous post on a prayer for the dying - putting into google "holy card dying" This is a poignant meditation on death. This is a topic close to me at present as I spent the better part of the last day assisting at the bedside of a dying family member. Below is the interpretation of the words on the card from French.
“Eternity. You, mortal, who has an immortal soul, study, meditate, ponder over this great word: ETERNITY.” Frame: “Do the good while there is time. Ponder over Death to live well and to die well. Think about death, give up sin, stay out of the world, give yourself up to God. Death is certain, only its hour is uncertain.” Inside the frame: “Prepare for a good death through a good life, for time is short. Today is my turn, tomorrow yours. I have been, you shall be what I am. Pray for the souls in Purgatory. They expect your prayers and the relief of their plight. Make a choice. Eternal Heaven. Eternal Hell.”

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Save Us From the Fires of Hell VIII

I originally posted this last year, I am very reluctant to write about myself, but in reading this again, I pray you may find this helpful. May Mary's prayers go with you always.
Fear of Hell is a Good Thing
Today it is common to hear messages assuaging our consciences. We often hear words such as these spoken: "God is love, He loves us as we are, what is there to fear?" Or "God loves me unconditionally, I'm certain He'll understand, He would never throw me/us/etc. into hell. Besides, is there really such a place?" Well, certainly you've heard similar things. I myself used to believe such nonsense. Years ago during my conversion, through the intercession of the Blessed Mother I came to know something of the nature of my soul and that I was most certainly on the path of perdition. Words cannot describe the dread and certainty of my own damnation, this drove me into the confessional. At that very confession, the priest told me the Mother of God had obtained this grace for me. I am quite sure Jesus was speaking to me through this holy priest - who became the physician of my soul for years. I was shocked to read some time later in the Diary of St. Faustina of Divine Mercy fame, Jesus tell her He is the one who hears the confession, it is He who speaks through the priest "The lips are his but the words are Mine." I have experienced this sort of phenomena several times since that day. I strive to the best of my wretched ability to confess my sins as to the Lord Himself. It is He who sits behind the screen, it is He who pronounces the words of absolution, it is He who imparts the blessing.
I normally do not speak of myself, but rather have chosen to stay in this blog's background and let the postings speak. I do not wish to showcase myself, but hope to showcase devotion to our Lady of Sorrows. For some reason I felt powerfully moved to write some about my own experiences today. I have been posting about hell the last several days because the reality of hell was the major factor in my turning to God. My conversion, like many others I've read about, started with a fear of hell. This fear led me to confess my sins with tears and sorrow. This imperfect contrition was enough for the Lord to move in with His merciful grace, which He poured into my wicked soul. He took my weak and shakey hand in His and led me into the amendment of my life. After He planted in my soul certain knowledge, faith and a great love for His mother, He placed me in a crucible of suffering which purged most of the unnecessary things from my life. This suffering was one of the greatest gifts the God of Creation bestowed upon me. I was plunged into isolation, poverty, overworked and overwhelmed with small children and full time school...all but one of my friends abandonned me. I walked around every day for months, as I recall, feeling as if I was on fire. The spiritual suffering was so great it seemed like my poor soul would break. To this day I can name no "cause" for this suffering, I only know it was there. I believe God was allowing me some form of spiritual or moral suffering because my wicked soul needed it. The only time I had some relief was in praying the rosary, which I would do several times a day. At one point, I would every afternoon sit at my table, make rosaries while praying the rosary, while watching the rosary on EWTN - like some kind of Catholic Trifecta. Had anyone known what I was doing they'd think I was losing my mind, and I guess I was.
One of the fruits of this agony was my senses were turned off to the world in all except that which was absolutely necessary - turning my soul wholly and completely to God. I was glad when friends stopped calling, I could pray more - so totally unlike me. I fasted for weeks on end, far too much it turns out but it seemed the only way to "combat" this suffering.
Oddly enough, dwelling in my soul right beside this horrific suffering was a joy and a peace that cannot be described. The one did not diminish the other at all, but this co-habitation allowed me to live and function. I remember one day at work, I had a moment alone in the operating room (working at the time as an OR nurse) where I was seized by a spiritual pain so acute I was nearly doubled over. I was dressed in sterile garb, what we called "scrubbed in", I could barely move without contaminating so I grasped my hands to my chest, bent my head and spiritually embraced the pain overtaking me. With my whole soul I raised myself to God, clasping the cross as if my very existence depended upon it, offering myself to He Who Is without holding a thing back. As the pain surged and threatened to desolate me, the joy also surged. How odd that such exquisite suffering can coincide with such exquisite joy and peace in one soul - at the same time. I marvel at it now as I write it down for the first time.
Ok, so why talk about all this? As I stated earlier - this life saving conversion was initiated by the fear of hell. Twas not the love of God, nor was it spontaneous love of neighbor, love of virtue, nor disgust with myself. No! I loved my sins! I had effectively murdered my conscience with sin and felt only a mild, transient jab of guilt on very rare occasions - easily dismissed. It was suffering that caused me to turn to the rosary, it was Mary's response - her obtaining for me the certainty of my own damnation that turned me to the sacraments of the church - which healed me. We ought to fear hell and think often of its pains. If we do not fear hell, then surely we are in mortal danger. The only true tragedy which exists in all of God's creation is the loss of a soul as it plunges headlong into hell.
"Jesus permits the spiritual combat as a purification, not as a punishment. The trial is not unto death but unto salvation. The Mother of Sorrows is my confidante, my teacher, my counselor, and my powerful advocate." ~St. Padre Pio Amen+

Save Us From the Fires of Hell VII

On the Company of Hell
(Source: The Last Four Things by Fr. Martin von Cochem. TAN Books)

We know the fate of those who are unfortunate enough to die in a state of mortal sin is hellfire. What of the torments that accompany the fire? The saints can tell us much of the plethora of sufferings that await the damned.

St. Thomas Aquinas tells us that the sins of each one will be fully known to all other inhabitants of hell. Our sins will be fully visible in our bodies - we can imagine how horrible this would be. Can you think of what things would be more painful in this life than to live in open shame? That all around you, everyone knew of all your "hidden" sins and shameful acts?

The evil one will brand each reprobate with a mark of shame on each portion of thier body with which they sinned. This is in order that all shameful deeds may be known to all. This is the everlasting disgrace which God foretells of through His prophet: "I will bring an everlasting reproach upon you, and a perpetual shame which shall never be forgotten." (Jer. xxiii 40) No effort will erase the mark, nothing may be used with which to cover it. According to St. Ephrem: "This shame and infamy will be more insupportable than the hell-fire itself, because it will keep constantly before thier remembrance the sins whereby they defiled themselves on earth."

Dionysius the Carthusian writes about a mystical transportation which occured to his fellow religious. The monks pressed thier fellow for a detailed account of what he'd seen. This was dutifully recorded and ought to serve us well as a reminder of our need to avoid mortal sin: "I was conducted by my guide a long way until we came to a region of gloom and horror, where were a countless multitude of men and women, all suffering terrible torments. These were the persons who had sinned with thier bodies; they were plagued by huge fiery monsters, who sprang upon them, and, despite thier resistance, clasped them and hugged them with thier paws until they shrieked with pain. Amongst those who were tormented in this manner I saw a man whom I knew very well, and who had been much esteemed and respected in the world. Seeing me he cried aloud in piteous tones "Alas, alas! Woe is me that I sinned as I did in my lifetime, for now the pain I endure grows greater every day! But the worse of all , what I feel most acutely, is the shame and disgrace to which my sins expose me, for all know them, and all despise me and mock me on account of them."

Think a moment, would you rather not become ill with a terrible illness than become the object of public scorn, shame and ridicule? Would you rather not carry in your body a terrible suffering than be openly mocked and treated with derision on account of your sins?

Just as hell is only one mortal sin away, so is grace only one confession away. Do not delay one more day. If you are embarassed to confess some secret sin - confess it anyway! Do it and be healed by Jesus - ask for the grace and strength to not commit it again. Any brief moment of embarassment in confessing such a thing behind a screen is nothing compared with multitudes knowing every shame you've committed and mocking you for all eternity without respite! Go to a priest and be healed and delivered from such a fate!

"Death but not sin" ~St. Dominic Savio

Prayer of Reparation
O sweet Jesus, whose overflowing charity for men is requited by so much forgetfulness, negligence and contempt, behold us prostrate before Thy altar eager to repair by a special act of homage the cruel indifference and injuries, to which Thy loving Heart is everywhere subject.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Save Us From the Fires of Hell V

More Meditations on Hell
(Source: Inferno: La Divina Commedia In The Middle Ages Volume I, pp.326-327)

"O Simon Magus! O disciples of his!
Miserable pimps and hucksters,
that have sold
The things of God,
troth-plight to the righteousness,
Into adultery for silver and gold;
For you the trump must sound now - you are come
To the bag: the third bowge (pit) has you in its hold..."

Think what it must be like for a lost soul to enter into eternal torment, eternal fire, suffering that will never, never end. The end of all hope.
We know that there really is fire in hell, "Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels." (Matthew xxv: 41) The damned will burn eternally and with what intensity we cannot imagine - this is beyond human capacity to comprehend. Listen to this short excerpt from a book I recommend to all, it certainly changed my life and the way I look at everything:
"Now imagine that thou wert sentenced to be burned alive for thy sins and for the whole of the live long day thou didst stand amidst the flames, unable to die. How piteously thou wouldst weep and wail how loudly wouldst thou shriek and roar in thy agony....Now consider, O Christian, if the action of earthly fire causes such intolerable agony, what will be the torture of hellfire, the heat of which is incombarably more intense and more searching than that of any fire wherewith we are familiar....this fire is kindled by the breath of God. For the prophet Isaiah says: 'Behold, the wrath of the Lord burneth and is heavy to bear, His lips are filled with indignation, and His tongue as a devouring fire. His breath as a torrent overflowing even to the midst of the neck, to destroy the nations unto nothing.' "(The Four Last Things by TAN Books)
And also: "Hell is prepared from yesterday, deep and wide. The nourishment thereof is fire and much wood; the breath of the Lord as a torrent of brimstone kindling it." (Isaiah xxx 30, 33)
Let us not deceive ourselves, nor be deceived by others who would have us think hell is something to which a soul becomes accustomed. "It can't be that bad...." Oh but it is. Let us this Lent renew our faith, pray fervently for the help of the Mother of Sorrows, pray for the suffering souls in purgatory through her intercession. Think of Mary standing at the foot of the cross, shedding tears as her Divine Son dies in agony for your sins. Pray for all sinners, including yourself - that we can avoid the fires of hell.
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy. Amen+

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Save Us From the Fires of Hell IV

Meditations on Hell
(Source: The Way of Divine Love by TAN Books)
Sr. Josefa Menendez, a Spanish Nun of the Society of the Sacred Heart, lived from 1890-1923. Sr. Josefa was a holy religious and was blessed with frequent mystical experiences. She was a visionary of Our Lord and Our Lady. One of the series of phenomena occured in the form of mystical transportations to Hell and Purgatory.
The Catholic Church in her doctrine and dogma is perfect and kept in line by the Holy Spirit who guides it. However in the confusion of our society since the revolution of the last 40 or so years, sermons and clear teaching on the reality of hell is sadly lacking. It behooves each of us to think often on the consequences of serious sin. The consequence is the loss for all eternity of your soul to unending torment in the fires of hell.
"SISTER Josepha wrote with great reticence on this subject [hell]. She did it only to conform to Our Blessed Lord's wishes, Our Lady having told her on the 25th October 1922 "Everything that Jesus allows you to see and to suffer of the torments of hell, is.... that you may make it known to your Mothers. So forget yourself entirely, and think only of the glory of the Heart of Jesus and the salvation of souls."
Some extracts of her notes... She repeatedly dwelt on the greatest torment of hell, namely, the soul's inability to love. One of these damned souls cried out. "This is my torture...that I want to love and cannot; there is nothing left me but hatred and despair. If one of us could so much as make a single act of love... this would no longer be hell... we live on hatred and malevolence..'' (23 March 1922)
Another of these unfortunates said: "The greatest of our torments here is that we are not able to love Him whom we are bound to hate. Oh! how we hunger for love, we are consumed with desire of it, but it is too late...... You too will feel this same devouring hunger, but you will only be able to hate, to abhor, and to long for the loss of souls.... nothing else do we care for now! (26th March 1922)
The following passage was written by obedience, though it was extremely repugnant to Josefa's humility, "Every day now, when I am dragged down to hell and the devil orders them to torture me, they answer: "We cannot, for her members have undergone torture for Him....." (then they blasphemously name Our Blessed Lord)... then he orders them to give me a draught of sulphur... and again the reply is: "she has voluntarily deprived herself of drink..." "Try to find some part of her body to which she has given satisfaction and pleasure." I have also noted that when they shackle me to take me down to hell, they never can bind me where I have worn instruments of penance. I write all this simply out of obedience" (1st April 1922)"
Let us think of how we pamper ourselves, both physically and mentally, perhaps even spiritually. How often do we say "I just don't have time, I have so many important things to do, there's no time to pray, to offer sacrifices, etc" We are all busy, but try to take but a second to raise your mind and soul to Our Lord and offer Him your business and work as a prayer. Ask Him to make you holy so you will not suffer the fires of hell. Let us all pick up our crosses and follow Him on the narrow road which leads to Heaven.
Mary, Mother of Sorrows, be for me and my family the narrow gate which leads Heaven. O Holy Mother of God be my salvation! Amen+

Friday, September 26, 2008

Save Us From the Fires of Hell VI

More Meditations on Hell

Why on earth is it a good idea to think about, let alone meditate on hell?? The answer is simple - in order to avoid it. If we open our minds to the reality of this horrible place, and that we are only one mortal sin away from hell, we are more highly motivated to avoid sin & practice virtue. In our little struggles and strivings toward God, He who is Holy and Immortal will kindly bend Himself to us and pour His gracious love into our souls and strengthen it against the powers of hell. He will grant us the ability to avoid hell if we seek Him. "Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you."
If we were perfect, we would love God for His own sake - this is the ideal we strive for. BUT - fear of hell is a good start on the spiritual path, so let us attempt to instill in our hearts a holy and reverent fear of hell. Seek God who we pray will kindle in us great faith and a lively hatred of all sin.

One of my favorite books, The Four Last Things (Fr. Martin von Cochem, O.S.F.C. TAN Books) provides many excellent meditations on hell:

"According to St. Bridget 'The heat of hell-fire is so great that if the whole world were wrapped in flames, the heat of the conflagration would be as nothing in comparison with it.'...Remember this O sinner and lay it well to heart. When thou seest a fire, call to mind the fire of hell. And since thou couldst not endure to put thy hand for a single moment into that fire, think what the heat of hell-fire must be..if thou canst bear this, how will thou bear the other? The damned will one day be cast body and soul into the huge awful furnace of hell, into the immense lake of fire, where they will be surrounded by flames. There will be fire below them, fire above them, fire all around them. Every breath will be a scorching breath of a furnace. These infernal flames will penetrate every portion of the body, so that there will be no part or member, within or without, that is not steeped in fire.

How despairing will be the cries, how agonizing the shrieks that will ascend from this bed of torture! 'Woe to us miserable creatures! Woe to us a thousand times! We are tortured in this flame! The excruciating pain pervades every member of our body, the intolerable agony leaves us no rest! If only we could die, if only we could die so as to escape this horrible torture! Alas this wish is all in vain! Dead as far as the life of the soul is concerned, dead because we have forfieted grace, the mercy of God-we are condemned to live on, to live forever and ever!"

We must pray for God's mercy on that fateful last day of Judgement. We must pray and pray for the conversion of poor sinners whose fate lies in those awful flames. Have pity on your fellow man who knows not of the mercy and love of God - who is at such great risk of casting himself headlong into the flames of hell when he sees with the eyes of his soul how rotten with sin he is at his particular judgement. Invoke our Blessed Lady, entrust yourself to her - she saves more souls from hell than we can know is this life!


Hail O Resurrection of mankind; Hail o Downfall of the demons! Hail O you who crushed the error of deceit; Hail O you who exposed the fraud of idols! Hail O Bride, and Maiden ever pure! O Thou who are Immaculate, destined before all time to be the Holy Tabernacle of the New Covenant - Ora Pro Nobis Maria!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Save Us From the Fires of Hell III

Bl. Mary of Agreda was a visionary of the Blessed Virgin Mary who had a great devotion to Our Lady's Sorrows. Our Sorrowful Mother often requested of the Servant of God her prayers for the dying, telling her of what torments and perils souls undergo just prior to death. "There are sinners in their last agony who have but a few moments in which to save their souls from eternal perdition." Many souls fight their last battle, trying to keep hold of the graces obtained in a devout and holy life, others are in great danger of losing their final battle. The evil one comes upon them, ladening upon them his rage, beseiging the soul with untold of temptations, especially the temptation to despair in reminding them of thier past sins and unworthiness of forgiveness. These things united with the suffering of death burden the soul greatly.
The person who has in thier life carried a devotion to the Mother of God, especially to her sorrows, will not be left to fight alone at this time of peril. The Queen of Souls has rescued an uncountable number of souls at the very last moment. St. Alphonsus says that: "whoever dies while loving God and pronouncing the name of Mary cannot be lost."
Let us strive to deepen and strengthen our devotion to Mary. Invoke your Sorrowful Mother on behalf of the dying they she may move in skillfully to save them!
Be mindful, O Virgin Mother of God, when thou standest in the sight of the Lord, to speak good things for us, and to turn away His anger from us.
We offer unto Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, prayers and sacrifices, humbly entreating that we, who recall with prayer the piercing of the most sweet soul of Blessed Mary, Thy Mother, may, by the multiplied and most loving intercession of her and the Saints, gathered together with her beneath the Cross, and through the merits of Thy death, share reward with the Blessed. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen+

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Save Us From the Fires of Hell II

St. Vincent Pallotti
(1798 - 1850)
Feast Day: 22 January

Born into Italian nobility and became a Priest, theological teacher and founder. He lived in constant danger working with the sick during a cholera epidemic. He was also a highly successful fund-raiser for charities for the poor. St. Vincent founded guilds for workers, agricultural schools, loan associations, orphanages and homes for the destitute. This saintly priest felt a strong calling to bring Christ to Muslims, and founded a program to incorporate lay people in the apostolate of priests. He founded the Pious Society of Missions (Pallottines) for urban mission work. He also started the special observance of the Octave of Epiphany for the reunion of the Eastern and Roman Churches, and the return of the Church in England. (Source: Catholic Forum Saints Index)
This great saint also had a great devotion to Our Lady's Sorrows. In the documentation for St. Vincent's beatification it is related: "The evil spirit once declared by the mouth of a possessed person that no one who had practiced devotion to Mary Sorrowful had yet been lost, and that evil spirits had been commanded by God not to assail with temptations in the hour of death those who had faithfully practiced this devotion." This servant of God was absolutely convinced of the truth of this message that he often spoke of it in order to honor Our Lady of Sorrows and to instruct the faithful. (Source Devotion to the Sorrowful Mother by TAN books)
We must all work earnestly to enkindle within our hearts a devotion to Our Mother's Sorrows, for it is we who cause them, and it is we who can compassionate them. In return, we are certain to recieve the Queen of Heaven's consolation at the hour of our death, the most important hour of our lives! Pray to be received into her arms and pressed to her Immaculate Heart as she did Our Lord's upon our deathbed!
Prayer to Our Lady for a Happy Death
O Mother of Sorrows, by the anguish and love with which thou didst stand by the Cross of Jesus, stand by me in my last agony. To thy maternal heart I commend the last three hours of my life. Offer these hours to the Eternal Father in union with the agony of our dearest Lord in atonement for my sins.
Offer to the Eternal Father the most Precious Blood of Jesus, mingled with thine tears on Calvary, that I may obtain the grace of receiving Holy Communion with the most perfect love and contrition before my death, and that I may breathe forth my soul in the adorable presence of Jesus.
Dearest Mother, when the moment of my death had at length come, present me as your child to Jesus. Ask Him to forgive me for having offended Him for I know not what I did.
Beg Him to receive me into His Kingdom of glory to be united with Him forever.

Save Us From the Fires of Hell...

Mother of the Dying
"He who is devoted to the Virgin Mother will certainly never be lost" ~St. Ignatius, Third Bishop of Antioch (50-107)
The bedroom of death is Our Lady's special arena, for all those who are in the throes of death are her beloved children. The Blessed Mother's special gift to the dying is perfect contrition for sin. This grace is granted particularly to those devoted to her during thier lifetime. Our sweet Mother does often comfort and assist the dying from the final struggle with the powers of darkness. Blessed is the soul assisted by the Queen of Heaven. This assistance is a specific promise made for those devoted to Mary's Seven Sorrows: "I will visibly help them at the moment of their death - they will see the face of their Mother."
Mary has rescured uncountable numbers of souls from Hell, unto the very last moment. How you have lived your life greatly influences the state of mind and soul at the time of death, but it is the moment of death - the disposition of the soul at that time that determines your "state" for all eternity. The moment of death is the most important moment of our lives. Let us all decide here and now to think frequently and kindly on our dear Mother's sorrows, for we need all the help of heaven to keep us from the flames of Hell.
The Offering of the Merits of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Appease Divine Justice
In order to appease Thy Divine Justice, we offer Thee, O Lord, the merits acquired by Mary, Thy Mother and ours, when she stood at the foot of the Cross.
If Thou, O Lord, wilt mark iniquities, Lord who can stand?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Meditations on Heaven IV

"Resurrection of the Flesh" by Luca Signorelli c. 1500

"For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame - who set their mind on earthly things. For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself." Php 3:18-21

When Jesus returns to earth, He will physically raise all the dead, giving them back the bodies they lost at death. These will be the same bodies people had in earthly life—but our resurrected bodies shall never die and, for the elect, shall be place in a glorified state - no more suffering, pain, thirst or hunger. They will be able to do the many amazing things Jesus could do with His glorified body such as walk through walls and disappear.

We must pray, pray and never cease to pray that we may, by God's great mercy, be counted among His elect. May we not be resurrected to eternal suffering and damnation. All souls will be reunited with the body they had on earth - to be taken into Heaven or Hell. Pray for the conversion of sinners and the salvation of souls. The thought of even one person lost forever is an unspeakable tragedy which can never be undone!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Harrowing of Hell

"The Harrowing of Hell" by Luca Signorelli in Orvieto Spain, circa 1499.
"And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell." Matthew 10:28