Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Out of Town!

Yes...my entire family will be leaving tomorrow for a 5 day weekend of Nordic Skiing, as its known in Minnesota. That's Cross Country skiing for all you non-Scandinavian-descent-non-Minnesotans. We're heading to a quaint resort of cabins "Up North" (translation - Northern Minnesota :) where there's NO phone, NO TV/video games/computers etc. Just good old outdoor recreation in the woods, not only skiing, but snow shoeing, sledding, sauna and of course rolling in the snow in your bathing suit when you can't take the heat anymore!! We plan to play alot of cards and board games and hope to take at least one ski outing at night under the stars. Oh, one more benefit to this place is the meals are included and are served good ol smorgasbord style! And no, that's not a buffet - that's different! If you have a spare moment, please lift my family up to Mary's prayers for a safe trip!
May Mary's prayers go with you always! Amen+


Vincenzo said...

That sounds fun! Hope you have a wonderful time. :)

"If you have a spare moment, please lift my family up to Mary's prayers for a safe trip!"

Praying now,

swissmiss said...

Prayers for a wonderful and safe vacation. Have a great time!

swissmiss said...

Hope you had a good vacation...when you get a chance, stop by my blog for a blessing I've sent you.

swissmiss said...

Stopping back to wish you and yours a wonderful and blessed Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I so wish I learned how to ski when I was younger but nope! And I have weak ankles. LOL :)

Looks like fun!

Hugs, Heather