I have this hanging if my office and I find myself referring to it often. As I recall this are the spiritual exercizes or committments St. Faustina made at one of her retreats. They are, I'm quite sure, the path to perfection.
1. The duty of the moment that I most often fail to obey, I will do my very best to improve.
2. I will keep silent before others who grumble.
3. I must take no heed of the opinion of others.
4. I must do everything and act in all matter now as I would like to do at the hour of my death.
5. In every action I must be mindful of God.
6. I must be faithful in my spiritual exercizes.
7. I must have great appreciation for even the most minute task.
8. I must not let myself become absorbed in the whirl of work, but take a break to look up to Heaven.
9. I must speak little with people, but a good deal with God.
10. I must pay little attention to who is for me and who is against me.
11. I must not tell others about those things I have had to put up with.
12. I must maintain peace and equanimity during times of suffering.
13. In difficult moments I must take refuge in the wounds of Jesus; I must seek consolation, comfort, light and affirmation in them.
14. In the midst of trails I will try to see the loving hand of God.
"O Jesus, I will net no one surpass me in loving you!"
-St. Fausting, Dairy of Divine Mercy, 1934, n. 226-227.
St. Faustina, pray for me...a poor sinner. Amen+
I love this! Perfect for my place of employment! I am going to link to it on my blog as I just ordered the diary after much resistance on my part.
Thanks for the idea, may god bless you richly for spreading it. I am going to print in for all my students and staff members to see it.
Matthew and Angela: I strongly believe that if all or even most souls strived to practice St. Faustina's creed most of the ills of this world would be averted. God's graces would pour down upon the earth and put an end to abortion, war, poverty, strife...
I am so glad that you posted this. St. Faustina is my confirmation saint. Her words give me much to ponder.
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