Saturday, September 12, 2009

Complete Consecration to Mary XI & Final

St. Louis continues his reply to his critics...

"Some may say, perhaps, if I give our Lady the full value of my actions to apply it to whom she wills, I may have to suffer a long time in purgatory. This objection, which arises from self-love and from an unawareness of the generosity of God and his holy Mother, refutes itself.
Take a fervent and generous soul who values God's interests more than his own. He gives God all he has without reserve till he can give no more. He desires only that the glory and the kingdom of Jesus may come through his Mother, and he does all he can to bring this about. Will this generous and unselfish soul, I ask, be punished more in the next world for having been more generous and unselfish than other people? Far from it! For we shall see later that our Lord and his Mother will prove most generous to such a soul with gifts of nature, grace and glory in this life and in the next."

I entrust myself, my family, all those whom I know and pray for and all of you, those few who read this blog - to Mary Queen of Heaven and Mother of Mercy for all the graces needed for our salvation.

Mary be our salvation! Amen+


Maria Lúcia said...

Our Lady of Tears, pray for us!

Cleghornboy said...

Amen. And grant us the patience to bear calumny and vicious attacks from our enemies.

Sanctus Belle said...

Amen to both of your Maria and Paul - and pray for my husband against calumny due to his Catholic faith please.

Cleghornboy said...

I will. I remember you both at Holy Mass every Sunday and while praying my daily Rosary and Mercy Chaplet. The persecution is beginning to intensify. Viva Christo Rey!