More flowers depicting Mary's tears, which fell at the foot of her Son's cross. According to pious legend, there sprang from the earth flowers in the shape of tears. If you are a gardening sort, consider planting some of these flowers near your home in honor of Mary's Tears, shed on your behalf.

Job's Tears plant: Round tear-like seeds. Commonly used for stringing Rosary beads, and thus known also as Lagrimas de Rosario or Rosary Tears

Sundew: tear-like drops of rain water on flower filaments

Lungwort: blue flower eyes, with reddish buds,
seen together to symbolize Mary's eyes red from crying.

Our Lady as she appeared to the seers of La Salette, France
Sanctus Belle, I have a link you will find most interesting:
My favorite plants are in the genus Heliotropium. What does that reveal about me? Heh heh.
Thank you Paul for that link, amazing what lore there is in this simple devotion!
God bless you!
The word "heliotropium" is the Latin name for an ancient plant which had the unique habit of turning to face the sun at all times. The plant's name is derived from two Greek words: helio, meaning "sun," and tropos, meaning "turn." The Roman writer Pliny wrote of this plant, "I have often spoken of the wonderful property of the heliotrope, which turns itself round with the sun, even on a cloudy day, so great is its love of that luminary. But at night it closes its azure flower, as if from missing its rays."
Thus the heliotrope excellently represents the attitude of the faithful soul toward the Will of God, which is represented by the sun. This sun must ever be gazed upon by us with fixed and unshrinking eye, in whatever direction its course may bend; and this one thing must we ever resolve in our mind: "As it pleases God, so does it please me. The Will of God alone is to me the rule of life and death. As it hath pleased the Lord so shall it be done. Blessed be the Name of the Lord."
- Taken from Part II, Chapter II [heliotropium7.htm]
God love you
Wow, who knew such theology from the behavior of a flower? But really, I remember back to a class in theology as an undergrad, where the priest teacher said one way we can study God is to study His creation. We can see that God is logical because His creation is logical.
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