Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy Feast Day St. Jehanne d'Arc!

Thank you for all your prayers on behalf of my poor soul. I anxiously await seeing you face to face. Pray that I make it, I entrust myself to your prayers. Amen+


swissmiss said...

Last summer I bought a book on Joan of Arc at a garage sale. Turns out the lady was a homeschooling mom herself and had to clear out some things to make run for more. I bought the book for my daughter, who was only one at the time. It's a 1950s non-revisionist history, no spin kind of book. It kind of just jumped out at me and I look forward to reading it with my daughter.

Micki said...

I am always honored to have you share one of my holy cards on your blog. Somehow they look better here, because of the black background, then on my own blog :-)

Your blog has some of the best pictures around. I love your writings and pictures of the saints.

Just know that this page is always a treat to see. Thanks.