Go here for the international website for the Servite Order. I am also adding this to my favorite website list on the right sidebar. I encourage each of you to learn more about this order and pray for them. Look into them if you are discerning a call to religious life. I cannot speak for their orthodoxy, nor if this order is thriving or diminishing as so many are today. I simply don't know enough to say. From this order comes the black scapular, which seems to be underemphasized perhaps.
I've learned so much from your blog and the devotions you publish. Thank you.
Don't know if this is of any use to you; you seem to have all sorts of information about the Servites, but I just encountered the blog,"Overheard in the Sacristy" (http://fiftysophomoricsummers.blogspot.com/) In his bio is says, "He is a former member of the Order of Friars Servants of Mary (Servites)." Perhaps another source of information for you.
You can always contact the Servites directly..check their website out:
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