Flight Into Egypt
Visions of St. Bridget of Sweden
(Source: Revelations of St. Bridget by TAN Books)
Our Lady's second sorrow, the fight into Egypt was discussed personally by Our Lord in a conversation He had with St. Bridget. We are reminded by these words of what happened directly after the infant Jesus was taken by Mary and Joseph into exile - the slaughter of the innocents. We learn more of the import of this tragic happening and of what good the Lord in His mercy wrought through such an unspeakable act of evil.
A few words regarding private revelation: These writings bear the Church's Imprimatur and have been widely disseminated and promulgated by Holy Mother Church. It is not wise nor prudent to reject such things as personal revelation that we are not required to believe in. Although there is no requirement - we must not despise such things either, but rather approach with prayerful discernment.
Jesus speaks: "By My flight into Egypt, I showed the infirmities of My humanity, and fulfilled the prophecies; I gave, too, an example to My disciples, that sometimes persecution is to be avoided for the greater future glory of God. That I was not found by My pursuers, the counsel of My Deity prevailed over man's counsel, for it is not easy to fight against God. That the innocents were slain was a sign of My future Passion, a mystery of those to be called, and of divine charity; for though the innocents did not bear testimony unto Me by voice and mouth, yet they did by their death, as agreed with My childhood; because it was foreseen that even in the blood of innocents, praise should be perfected to God. For though the malice of the unjust unjustly afflicted them, yet My divine permission, ever just and benignant, exposed them only justly, to show the malice of men and the incomprehensible counsel and piety of My divinity. Therefore, when unjust malice wreaked itself on the children, there justly superabounded merit and grace; and where the confession of the tongue and age were wanting, there the blood shed accumulated the most perfect good."
O Lord, hear my prayer and let my cry come unto You.
O Lord Jesus Christ,
O Lord Jesus Christ,
once You embraced and placed Your hands upon the little children
who came to You, and said: "Suffer the little children to come unto Me,
and forbid them not, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,
and their angels always see the face of my Father!"
Look now with fatherly eyes on the innocence of children and their
parents' devotion, and bless them this day through your mercy.
In Your grace and goodness let them advance continually,
longing for You, loving You, fearing You, keeping Your commandments.
Then they will surely come to their destined home,
through You, Savior of the world.
Who lives and reigns forever and ever.
(Taken from the Church's official blessing of children of the Feast of the Holy Innocents, included in the Roman Ritual.)
(Taken from the Church's official blessing of children of the Feast of the Holy Innocents, included in the Roman Ritual.)
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