Can you hear your sorrowful mother say "Beloved Son, shall I see you no more?"
We ought not be afraid of entering into the desert of our own sorrow in loss and trial. The Lord is pleased to thus purify and soften us. To those He loves He gives a portion of His cross, therefore within every suffering there is a great blessing. Let us strive to be not attached to our God's sweetness and consolation for it is in fire that gold is purified.
Lord, in your Sorrowful Mother's Immaculate Heart I place myself forever, there to be purified by the fire of Thy love. Do with me what You will, I surrender myself unto Thee. Amen+
Yes we need to follow our Lord everywhere He leads us.To be without one consolation, to be in that arid place and to see, receive and "taste" it as sweetness,to know it's our cross to embrace is The Gift. To forge through the dark, dry and lonely night, as did Mother Teresa, who for 35 years w/out consolation, pressed on,with no sense at all of God's nearness. Yet such a sweet and holy smile graced her weathered face, casting the light of Christ to all she met and warming another soul that ever day lay dying in her arms.
thank you for that beautiful meditation on Mother Theresa
A beautiful old style card, I believe that was used by Protestant churches years ago. Anyway, the picture and text that accompanies it is simply beautiful and true. Our faith is not based upon our emotions, but as stated in the meditation is, "tried in the fire." Life takes lots of courage to live, but we get all the strenght we need from our Lord in the Blessed Eucharist and a faithful prayer life. Dear Jesus may I love you more each passing day, teach me to ALWAYS BE FAITHFUL to you in all things. A blessed evening to all! John K.
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