I know this blog is not about politics, it is rather about Catholicism and more specifically Catholic devotion, but....
As an ardent Catholic, I vote based on the candidate's voting record/views on the sanctity of life - the human right that all others are subject to. I have therefore voted overwhelmingly for Republican candidates for this very reason. I have been very disappointed with the "all talk and no do" of the Republicans, also they seem to have embraced neo-conservatism and have abandonned the people on many of the traditional social conservative issues.
I recently heard the Constitution party candidate for President speak on NPR and I was very impressed. I am seriously thinking of voting for this party but do not want to actly rashly. Does anyone know anything about this party? Any members out there who read my humble blog? Please give me some advice!
Go here to read more about the Constitution Party.
since your blog is named after our Lady, why don't you just have her as your patron of your blog?
ReplyDeletePlease -- trust God and not man. Politicians are not of God, and do not tell the truth.
ReplyDeleteThe trouble with voting for a third-party candidate in the presidential election is that such a vote is really a vote for a candidate with NARAL's top rating who not only supports abortion, but also supports the killing of babies who survive abortion. We really, really, really cannot afford to split the conservative, pro-life vote in this election.
ReplyDeleteAnita, normally I would agree with you, but if you look at the Republican's prolife history, they have given little more than lip service to making abortion illegal. I believe this may represent a betrayal. What was accomplished during the first half of Bush's second term? There was a Republican majority in both the House and the Senate yet NOT ONE peice of legislation was moved forward in making abortion illegal. There was also no progress in the sanctity of marriage nor in fetal stem cell research.
ReplyDeleteWe all know that if you tell someone you love them, yet treat them with contempt, it is comtempt that is in the person's heart. Words are cheap, actions count. I want to see real action or I will, and may already have - abandon the Republican party.
Is a vote for a candidate ever really wasted? I think a third party vote sends a message and in the end I will be responsible before God for my vote, not anyone elses.
I also don't think the republican party is truly conservative anymore, nor are they identifiable except in word as prolife. I can no longer in good conscience support nor vote for them. Amen+
Belle, I certainly understand how you feel. I'm pretty disgusted too with the direction the G.O.P. has been going -- and our presidential nominee this year was pretty far from my first choice.
ReplyDeleteBut the Democrats' nominee is probably the most leftist candidate who has ever run, and an out-and-out supporter of infanticide. The next president is certain to have some justices to appoint to the Supreme Court, and you know he'll pick the most radical ones he can find who will bolster Roe v. Wade (how much do you want to bet he's promised Hillary Clinton a seat on the Court? Isn't that almost too horrible to contemplate?). He will also sign the "Freedom of Choice" Act into law, thereby sweeping away even such vestigial restrictions on abortion as we now have. No matter how you look at it -- but especially from a pro-life perspective -- we CANNOT afford Obama.
We have little chance, under a McCain administration, of advancing the conservative agenda; but it's still preferable to an Obama administration, under which we would have NO chance whatsoever. And there's no telling how many years it would take to undo the damage Obama would do.