"Through her martyrdom, Mary has become in a special way the comforter of the afflicted. It was by her own experience of sorrow that she was taught the sympathy which enables her to comfort her children in all their afflictions. God have her a mighty and sympathetic heart for this great task."
"For all God's children, the way to Heaven leads across the mount of Calvary - the way of trail and suffering. In the company of our Sorrowful Mother, we walk more easily, fight more courageously, and suffer more patiently, perseveringly and joyfully; for she holds up before us not only the example of the sufferings and death of her Divine Son, but also the victory, the joy and the glory which He has won through His sufferings."
"How ofter do we grow impatient, faint-hearted, despondent and inconstant in suffering...how often without endurance, without resignation, full of complaints and murmurings! Oh, let us deeply engrave in our hearts the sorrows of Mary! May she, our Sorrowful Mother, ever be our model in suffering, in the patient endurance of trials, and in the humble acceptance of sorrows and afflictions. When the hand of god lays a heavy cross upon our shoulders, let us turn to Mary Sorrowing, and we shall obtain consolation and strength to carry the cross patiently and meritoriously."
Let us strive always to go the Mary for is the surest, quickest, safest route to Jesus. She has suffered much, she will do all she can to help us in the sufferings of this earthly exile. Amen+
(Source: Devotion to the Sorrowful Mother by TAN Books, Imprimatur 1958)
DO you know who did this painting? I'd love to buy a copy.
ReplyDeleteDymphna, I found this image doing a search on google for Mater Dolorosa. From what I remember it is a painting that hangs in a church. There was no copyright to be found...sorry I can`t tell you more but perhaps if you searched google..