The Green Scapular, called by Our Lady, “The Badge of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,” was given to the world by the Blessed Virgin Mary herself, through a series of apparitions to Sister Justine Bisqueyburo, a Daughter of Charity, in the early 1840’s in Paris, France. On the Feast of the Nativity of Mary, Sept. 8th, 1840, the Mother of God appeared holding in her right hand her Immaculate Heart, surmounted by flames and holding in her other hand a green scapular.The scapular consisted of a simple piece of green cloth, rectangular in shape, hanging from a green string. On one side was an image of Our Lady dressed in a long white gown which reached to her bare feet. Over this she wore a light blue mantle. However, she wore no veil. Instead, her hair hung loosely about her; and in her hands she held her Heart from the top of which gushed abundant flames. Her bearing was enhanced by a majestic beauty all heavenly. On the other side of the scapular was pictured her Immaculate Heart, all ablaze and transparent as crystal, with rays pouring out that appeared more dazzling than the sun. This Heart, pierced with a sword, was encircled by an inscription in the form of an oval and topped by a golden Cross. The inscription read:
“Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us, now and at the hour of our death.”
This prayer should be prayed daily by the one giving the scapular, and preferably by the person receiving it. Although wonderful graces are obtained, they are proportionate to the confidence with which it is given. The Green Scapular was twice approved by Pope Pius IX, in 1863, and again in 1870, when he said: "Write to these good Sisters that I authorize them to make and distribute it."
The Green Scapular is a life line for conversion. At the same time, as Sr. Justine received the scapular, an interior voice revealed to her the meaning of the vision. This new scapular and the prayers of those who used it would be a means that God would use to bring Himself those who had no faith and to reconcile those who had strayed from their faith. The green scapular was distributed, and God granted wonderful conversions and some bodily cures.
The manner of using the Scapular was indicated by the Blessed Virgin. Since it is not the badge of a confraternity but simply a double image attached to a single piece of cloth and suspended from a cord, investiture is not required. It must be blessed by a priest and may be worn by one for whom it is intended. It may also simply be placed in the clothing, on the bed, or simply in the room.
One may offer the Scapular to any individual as a "token of my friendship and love," and as a promise to say the prayer on the Scapular daily for that person, that God make His Will known in their life.
The Scapular has no power. It is not a "good luck charm." The faith with which it is given is the powerful tool of conversion. Also, the scapular must be blessed before it is used, but indeed use it as a Church approved sacramental with great faith!
To learn more, or to join the Apostolate of the Green Scapular go here.
Beautiful Post! I love the Brown Scapular of Mt. Carmel myself, having worn one for 37 years now, and only took it off for an MRI once Praise God! If people knew the graces they receive through these sacramental, they also would never take the blessed scapular off. By the way, do you wear one? Check out my Blog for an album of pix of the Tears of Mary!
ReplyDeleteRoman Deacon
I always find something edifying at your blog! I was going to get a green scapular for my parents-in-law, who aren't really any religion, but had forgotten. Thanks for the reminder. I am sure they will be open to receiving one, but any suggestions on where I should have them keep it in their home?
ReplyDeleteDeacon: Thank you for your comment and I'll be sure to check out your pictures. Right now I'm quite busy with a new job. Yes I wear the Five Fold scapular which includes the Blue, Red, Brown, White and Black scapulars. And yes, I'm a total Catholic geek as this proves!
ReplyDeleteSwissMiss: Thank you for your beautiful comment! As for a suggestion for a place for the scapular I'd simply say a place of honor? Or perhaps nailed over a door/s? There are many stories of homes being saved from disaster and attributed to Mary's intercession through her scapulars. Scapulars are really a living, constant prayer beseeching our Lady her most efficious prayers. She will always keep her promises and never forgot those who use these sacramentals with faith and love! Amen+
I think I would be lost without my scapular. Ever since Tom Fitzpatrick and I started our joint web site Two Hearts Ablaze, I started wearing my scapular. So for a year I have been blessed by the Two Hearts and am honored in being able to clothe myself with this garment of protection.
ReplyDeleteGreat Post!
I hope more people will wear this scapular, no matter which kind it may be