"Return, you transgressors, to the heart"
(Isa 46:8)
According to St. Alphonsus, this is what Mary said as she sat with the body of her dead Son in her arms. How much pain continues to be inflicted upon the Immaculate Heart of Mary as men continue to pierce it with their sins? Let us resolve not to torment our dear Mother again. Let all us sinners return to Jesus, place our wounded souls in the spear wound of His Sacred Heart. Go there ~ sorry for your sins and He will welcome and pardon you. He will never spurn the contrite heart.
Mary revealed to St. Bridget of Sweden that as Jesus reposed in her arms: "she closed the eyes of her Son when He was taken down from the cross, but she could not close His arms." She also related that Jesus: "intended us to understand by this that He wanted to remain with His arms extended to receive all penitent sinners who return to him."
Hear your Sorrowful Mother speak: "Now that my Son has died to save you, it is no longer a time of fear for you, but a time of love; a time to show love to Him who, in order to show you the love He has for you, was willing to suffer much...if then my Son was pleased that His side should be opened through an excess of love so that He could give His heart to you, it is right, O man, that you should give Him yours in return."
Go with Mary, she will obtain for you the grace to not be rejected at the heart of Jesus.
Have pity on me, O Mother, for I have not loved God and have offended Him so much. Your sorrow encourages me to hope for pardon. But this is not e nough. I desire also to love my Lord. And who can obtain this grace of love for me better than you who are the mother of fair love? O Mary, you are a consolation to everybody; console me also. Amen+
(Source: The Glories of Mary by St. Alphonsus de Ligouri)
Thank you for posting that. I really needed it.