Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Critically Ill

Words on card "By this holy anointing and by His most tender mercy, may the Lord forgive you all the evil you have done through the power of sight or hearing."

As you may have noticed, I rarely post prayer requests but I feel I must humbly ask anyone who happens by to pray for a collegue of mine who is critically ill with H1n1 influenza, clinging to life ICU. Please recommend him to Our Lady's prayers, or stay a moment and say this short prayer for him -

Lord, in difficult moments we must take refuge in Your Sacred Wounds. It is there we must seek consolation, comfort, light and affirmation. I recommend this soul to Thine Majesty and in the midst of this trial we see Your loving hand. Mary, Mother of God, we recommend this soul to your efficacious prayers! Amen+


  1. Have said the prayer - may God bless and help your colleague to accept this difficult time.

  2. Oh dear...prayers are on the way!

  3. Thank you so much for your prayers, may the Lord bless you in return

  4. He did pass away - if you pass by this way, please offer a prayer for his soul. Amen+
