"The title of 'Sorrowful' belongs therefore to the Heart of My mother, and more than any other, this title is dear to her because it springs from the union of her Heart with Mine in the redemption of humanity. This title had been acquired be her through her full participation in My Calvary, and it precedes the gratuitous title 'Immaculate' which My love bestowed upon her by singular privilege." Jesus to Berthe Petit, 1920
Beautiful post again , Belle. I have now made the pilgrimage to St Winifride and visited both GGwythering where she was abbess, and to the well and stayed at pilgrim's house. You can see the pictures here
God Bless, Eve
you always put lovely pitures on this blog:)
Thank you both. I'll come over and read your posts Mary on Monmouth. You have such a great blog. I cannot tell you how consoling it is for my soul that there are faithful Catholics in England.
Belle and Marilena, God Bless.
We are so blessed here-a new strong and fearless archbishop.
Cardinal Newman's beatification next year and the visit of Pope Benedict to all the Newman shrines in England. He is coming to Oxford and to Brimingham to Oscott College and various other places.
In addition the relics of St Therese of Liesieux are touring all areas of England , Scotland, Ireland and Wales next year. This is a big boost.
In addition, parliament is about to repeal the 1536 Act of settlement forbidding the heir to the throne from marrying a Catholic and allowing the PM to be a Catholic-so we have many blessings and converts from the Angtlicans. After many years in the desert we are coming into the bright sunshine again.
On the FB page 'We are Catholics of the British Isles and Friends' we have some wonderful photos which you might enjoy too. God bless for your prayers and listen out for the podcast when I set it all up.
I have put up under maryinmonmouth on ITunes the old devotion to the Five Wounds, popular here before the 'reformation'.
Happy Easter all, when it comes.May the Risen Lord bless you throughout the coming year! Eve x
I love Our Mother's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. I've a devotion to our Sorrowful Mother. She's always comforting to me and I want to share in her sorrow...to be the handmaid of the handmaid of the handmaid of the Lord.(?)
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