Monday, November 24, 2008

St. Winifred

Statue of St. Winifred, in this Catholic parish of St. Winifred, Pittsburgh PA.
Catholic Mom of 10 has a great post about St. Winifred's shrine in Wales. I hope she posts more specifics about her pilgrimmage there. It is truly one of my goals in life to visit this holy well. Go here for more information. And here is a prayer to St. Winifred:
O blessed Winefride, pure virgin and glorious martyr, so especially chosen, so divinely graced and so wonderfully restored from death to life! Hope of all that fly unto thee with full confidence and humility! We, though, unworthy, yet thy devoted pilgrims, make our petitions unto thee. Sanctuary of piety, look upon us with patient eyes; receive our prayers, accept our offerings, and present our supplications at the throne of mercy, that through thy powerful intercessions God may be pleased to bless our pilgrimage, and to grant our requests and desires; through Christ our Lord. Amen +
To learn more about this beautiful saint's life go here, here, and here
St. Winifred, my beloved patron saint, ora pro nobis!

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