Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Beautiful Mary

Ok, I'm busy and stressed and I just need sometimes to look upon the beautiful face of Mary and know that she is the Queen of Heaven and I am so honored and so unworthy to have her as my intercessor. Thank you Mary Mother of God for all your prayers, all your suffering on behalf of us poor sinners. I place all my worries and cares at your feet as so many peices of straw.

Mary Queen of Apostles, be my guide, be my salvation! Amen+


  1. Another beautiful post...I love your blog!

  2. Thank you Carlos, that is a very nice thing to say. May our Lady's prayers go with you always.

  3. What a beautiful post! I have always loved your blog!

  4. A really lovely ikon. Could I persuade you to post a higher-resolution image? Please?

  5. Thank you HolyCard Collector! Irene, I'm sorry I don't have any other image!
