Wednesday, March 19, 2008

America's Pieta

Ok, I know I promised these photos from the Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica, but this has been delayed by computer troubles which necessitated a visit from the Geek Squad which produced an unexpectedly large bill!

Anyway, in a private room, just off the sanctuary there is a lifesize, identical replica of the Pieta. The priest told us this is the only one in the world that is exact to scale and made of the same marble. We had an impatient cabbie waiting outside for us so all my pictures were taken in a hurry - so may not be the greatest. Plus I'm no photographer...

If I had to describe Our Lady's face in one word, it would be - dignity.

Best part about this beautiful statue is that unlike its counterpart in the museum, this one can be touched. I was even able to kiss her foot.


stromsjo said...

Ah, the Geek Squad. Can't do without them. Can't afford them hanging around... ;)

Vincenzo said...

Very beautiful. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous!! Both your Church and the statue.

Btw, you've been tagged at my blog!

Hugs, Heather