Thursday, December 13, 2007

Our Lady of Guadalupe

"Is it not I, your Mother who is here? Are you not under my protection? Are you not, fortunately, under my care?” ~Blessed Virgin Mary to St. Juan Diego


  1. Hi.
    You have a beautiful site dedicated to the Sorrowful Mother. I enjoyed reading about Our Lady of Pontmain. I already knew about her, but I learned some new things from your blog. Keep up the great posts.

    God Bless.

  2. What an unusual picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe. May I ask where you got it from? I've never seen that depicted before. REally great.

  3. Happy feast Day! Will add your blog to my links..God bless

  4. Our Lady of Guadalupe will always be special to me. Are you familiar with the song?

    Part of it goes like this:

    You are the fountain of my life
    Under your shadow and in your protection
    I fear no evil, no pain no worries

    Oh Maria, oh most merciful Mother, gentle Virgin with the name Guadalupe On a mountain we find roses in winter- all the world has been touched by your love.
