Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Extremely Busy...

Posting has been very sparse and I apologize. My practice is getting busier and I thank God for that, but this leaves me less time to blog. My internet connection at home is also not working so my only access to the web is at work - where I'm busy!
So here's a beautiful image of an angel. I do not care for angel paintings/pictures depicting angels as women. Angels have no gender being pure spirits, but often when they do appear to us humans they appear in the form of men. This picture is unclear - rather could be male or female but more specifically genderless. Genderless is only good in an angel :)
I heard Mother Angelica on EWTN years ago talking about angels. One thing she said struck me deeply and I wonder at it regularly. She said that all the eons ago when God created the angels, specifically the guardian angels, He had the human in mind for that specific angel. He created them in little US in mind. Our angel then waiting patiently, witnessing God's creation, the progression of human times, waiting for the moment, that awesome moment when we were created. They love us, pray for us, and are with us constantly. We will not be parted from them until we either enter Heaven, or are condemned to hell. In purgatory they will assist us. What a consolation it must be to finally be able to look upon our angel!


  1. We are very blessed to have our angels. How incredibly patient and loving my angel must be :)

    Congrats on things going well at work. Hope you're not TOO busy though.

  2. I've never heard that. Very cool!

  3. I like this post...being an "angel" and all.....but seriously you make good points. It just makes me crazy when someone dies and those left behind say "they are an angel in heaven now." I want to scream "NO! It's theologically impossible!!!"
