Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Song of Solomon

"Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for love is strong as death..." Song of Solomon 8:6
Lord, set me as a seal upon your Sacred Heart. May my family, friends, co-workers all be found there - a seal upon Your holy and mighty arm. There is no good within me, a most wicked sinner. Only you can save me, only you can bring goodness from all the wretchedness in my mind, body and soul. Preserve me Lord, no...do not forsake me, though to be in the pit of hell is what I deserve. Remember not my multitudes of sins, but rather remember Your mercy and save me, for redeeming sinners gives You great glory. May your mercy shine in me. Let not my parched soul perish in this vale of tears. Amen+

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