Friday, September 7, 2007

Mary Take Over

The following is a reportedly miraculous prayer. Please be patient with me in my scant posting as I'm rather overwhelmed with family (read: hectic multiple children's schedules with school starting) and work (read: new job, my practice seems to be exploding - praise God!) Let us all support one another in prayer:

Mary, take over and resolve what I am not able to resolve. Take care of those things that are beyond my reach. You have the power to do so. Who can ever say that he was disappointed in you after having called you?
Mother, take over at this moment when I see nothing, when there does not seem to be any light in the tunnel, this moment of doubt, fear, this hour of making the right decision when everything seems to be going against me. Amen+


  1. I am always looking for beautiful Marian prayers and this is one of them! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Beautiful prayer and I love the pic. Wonderful. Thankyou.

    Peace to you:)


  3. I bought the book "Mary, Take Over" at
    No words to express how touching it is. JT

  4. Prayers and best wishes on your new job! Sounds exciting.

    Great prayer. Just what I was looking for! Ah, finally!
