Let us never forget all the poor souls in purgatory who suffer without rest, without the slightest respite and who depend so very much on our charity! Have mercy upon them, think of them often. Offer up small sacrifices, accept all sufferings and humiliations on their behalf. I urge you to print off this simple prayer and say it, if even once! Your reward will be great in Heaven. May the Lord say to us all "I was in prison and you visited me. Come, enter into the joy prepared by my Father!"
This devotion is prayed using the Marian Rosary of 59 beads.
On the Crucifix: Psalm "Out of the Depths."
On the Our Father beads: Our Father.
On the decade beads: "O good Jesus,have mercy on the souls in purgatory or (mention name)and grant to them eternal rest.
First decade: "I offer You, my Saviour, this first decade for the souls of all of my relatives,through the Precious Blood which You shed for them in Your Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Second decade: "I offer You, my Saviour,this second decade for the souls of all those who have shown me kindness, through the Precious Blood which You shed for them in Your Scourging. O good Jesus,have mercy on them!"
Third decade: "I offer You, my Saviour, this third decade for the souls of those whom I have at any time offended, or scandalized through the Precious Blood which You shed for them in carrying Your Cross to Calvary.O good Jesus,have mercy on them!"
Fourth decade: "I offer You, my Saviour, this fourth decade for the souls of my friends, companions and benefactors through the Precious Blood which You poured forth upon the Cross, and through the sorrows which Mary, our tender Mother, endured at the foot of the Cross. O good Jesus, have mercy on them!"
Fifth decade: "I offer You, my Saviour,this fifth decade for the soul of my father and/or Mother and/or relative. I offer You, for this soul so dear to me, the Precious Blood and the sacred water from Your Heart, pierced by the lance. O good Jesus, open to this soul the gate of heaven, and grant me the grace to be reunited with them forever in the bosom of Your goodness."
Final prayer: "O good Jesus, have mercy on the soul or souls in purgatory or (mention name)and grant to them eternal rest. May eternal light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen+
Sanctus Belle: Thank you for this post.
What a physical picture to remind you of the souls to pray for. BUT...that's the problem I have with it....SOULS don't have body parts to come back with. BUT, it is very motivating. Alos, what do I know...it could be true. :-)
Micki - I highly recommend the book Purgatory from TAN Books by Fr. F. X. Shouppe. In this book he describes how many souls have appeared by the will and mercy of God and often in the midst of flames or in other suffering. I believe this is God's way of allowing us on earth to understand the suffering of souls in purgatory. We have physical bodies and can understand physical suffering VERY well. God deals with us in a manner we can quickly and easily understand so He allows us to see this suffering in the form of flames and burning.
Actually the suffering the souls undergo is far worse than being immersed in flames...thus the great need for prayer on their behalf.
SB - I will look for that TAN book. Thanks. I do have a deep devotion to the souls in Purgatory. I can't believe that there are some who don't pray for their loved ones, believing that they are already in heaven...what a shame...now I have to add them to my prayers.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could be like (oh dear, can't remember her name right this second...little girl from Fatima) who Mary told that her mother was in heaven. What joy that must be.
I believe you're thinking of Blessed Jacinta. She was also told that a teenage girl in her village who had recently died was in purgatory and would be there until the end of time. When people heard this, they prayed in earnest, had masses said for her - but how sad to think if that exchange had not taken place, she could have languised there for eons! We must be more mindful of this and pray for our beloved dead!
Great picture. Gives me chills. A great reason to try to do as much of our Purgatory on earth and to wear the scapular and avail oneself to the wonderful mercies Our Lady and Jesus have given us through various devotions!
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