Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Please Pray

Prayer Request
Those of you who have been to this blog much will know I have never yet asked for a specific prayer request other than for the souls in Purgatory in general.
Today my mother-in-law passed into eternity. I humbly request your prayers on her behalf for the repose of her soul. Her name is Mary Iris. My husband and I are in Montreal for the funeral and spending time with family at this time of great suffering. I will not post again until our return home.
Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for her. Do not allow her to tarry long in her purification, but escort your humble servant quickly into paradise.
Thank you kind visitors.


  1. So sorry to hear the news. Be assured of our prayers. Especially at our Assumption mass at the cathedral tonight.

    Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord.
    And may perpetual light shine upon her.
    May the souls of the faithfully departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.

  2. I just said a prayer for you.

  3. Sanctus Belle: I will remember Mary Iris in my prayers at Holy Mass on this Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  4. Will certainly pray...

  5. Today is the 10th anniversary of my own mother's death. I will certainly pray for the repose of your mother-in-law's soul.

  6. So sorry for your loss, prayers ascending for you and Mary Iris, and family.

  7. May Our Lady's mantle drape over Mary Iris and may she be clasped closely to Our Lady's immaculate heart...to be taken forthrightly to her Son, our Lord. God rest her soul.


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thank you all for your prayers. May God bless you all abundantly for your charity. My husband and I thank the Lord we made it to her bedside in time to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Rosary and place a brown scapular upon her. We also covered the room with holy water and exorcism salt and held vigil prayer along with his family members. She had already gotten the last sacraments. Today they will have her first of two days of exposition, Funeral mass Saturday, will be flying home Monday.

    If you can remember, if you could but utter her name, or think of her in general at the raising of the chalice, at the ringing of the sanctus bell. Thank you and may Mary`s prayers go with you always.

  10. will do. rosaries for her are coming.

  11. Am so sorry for your loss:(. I will pray for the repose of your Mother in Law and your family:).

    May our Lord keep you all in His Protective care.

    I will also add you to our blog. Thanking you in advance.


  12. I will remember you whilst praying. My condolences to you and your family, it always so sad to loose a loved one.

  13. vss+ May our thoughts and prayers console your grief during this time as Mary Iris, another faithfully soul called safely home.
    Your sister in Christ, Rose

  14. Sorry to hear about your great loss, our thoughts and prayers are with you all. May she rest in peace.

  15. Sanctus:
    So sorry to hear about your MIL. Such a difficult time for everyone. Will keep you all in my prayers, especially your MIL. May she rest in peace.

  16. Sanctus:

    Sorry I haven't visited "Our Lady's Tears" recently.

    "My husband and I thank the Lord we made it to her bedside in time to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Rosary and place a brown scapular upon her. We also covered the room with holy water and exorcism salt and held vigil prayer along with his family members."

    Wow, what children you were! Mary Iris surely was sped along on the freeway to Heaven with those preparations.

    I assume you are back now.

    How is Mankato doing after all the rain?
