Friday, July 20, 2007

Conversations with Jesus IV

Before Holy Communion Meditation

"Art thou fearful of the future? Is therein thy heart that vague dread that thou canst not define, but which nevertheless torments thee?"

"Trust in My Providence...I am present with thee, I know all, and I will never leave thee nor forsake thee."

"Are there around thee those seemingly less devout than formerly, whose coldness or indifference has estranged thee from them without real cause?..."

"Pray for them. I can draw them back to thee if they are necessary to the sanctification of thy soul."

"What are the joys of which thou hast to tell Me?"

"Let Me share thy pleasure; tell Me of all that has occurred since yesterday to comfort thee, please thee, to give thee joy!"

"That fear suddenly dispelled, that unexpected success, that token of affection, the trial that proved thee stronger than thou thougtest..."

"My child, I sent it all; why not show some gratitude, and simply thank thy Lord? Gratitude draws down a blessing, and the Great Benefactor likes His children to remind Him of His goodness."

(Source: Gold Dust by edited by Charlotte Yonge. Henry Altemus Press. Philadelphia, PA. 1897)

Thank you Lord Jesus for dying for us, for giving to us your holy mother as an advocate. Thank you for your holy Catholic Church and her sacraments. Thank you for all your mercy and abundant graces. Open wide my heart and soul, may every beat, every breath, every prayer, every sigh be a canticle of thanks to You, for Your greater glory! Amen+

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