"Jesus I trust in Thee"
The Divine Mercy chaplet and devotion have become quite popular in this age. Therefore I will not focus much on its practice, but rather on its history and its promises. If you'd like more information on the practice of the Divine Mercy devotion go here, here and here.
The following is an excerpt from the brochure "Divine Mercy Devotion"
"Between 1930 and 1938 Christ appeared to Sister Faustina, a Sister of Mercy in Poland, to re-teach us the story of His love even unto death, and His disappointment in us because of distrust in His Mercy and goodness. Sister Faustina's life was a routine of everyday chores – tending the door, cooking, sweeping, gardening; Even the closest of her nun companions never guessed God's predilections for her, or knew the wonderful secrets He whispered to her at prayer."
"Sister Faustina received the first apparition of the Merciful Christ on the 22nd of February, 1931 in Plotzk. She describes it thus: "It happened in the evening. I was in my cell, when I saw Jesus dressed in a white garment. He held one hand raised in blessing and with the other, He was touching the garment at the breast. From under the garment came two rays of light, one red the other pale. In silence I contemplated the Lord. My soul was filled with fear and, at the same time, with great joy. After a moment Jesus said to me: 'Paint a picture according to the vision you see and with the inscription: – Jesus, I Trust in Thee – I desire that the picture be venerated first in your chapel and then throughout the whole world'."
"These rays (red and pale, symbolizing the Blood and Water that gushed forth from the Sacred Heart) shield the soul before the wrath of My Father. Fortunate is he who lives in Their shelter for the just hand of God will never reach him."
"Sister Faustina received the first apparition of the Merciful Christ on the 22nd of February, 1931 in Plotzk. She describes it thus: "It happened in the evening. I was in my cell, when I saw Jesus dressed in a white garment. He held one hand raised in blessing and with the other, He was touching the garment at the breast. From under the garment came two rays of light, one red the other pale. In silence I contemplated the Lord. My soul was filled with fear and, at the same time, with great joy. After a moment Jesus said to me: 'Paint a picture according to the vision you see and with the inscription: – Jesus, I Trust in Thee – I desire that the picture be venerated first in your chapel and then throughout the whole world'."
"These rays (red and pale, symbolizing the Blood and Water that gushed forth from the Sacred Heart) shield the soul before the wrath of My Father. Fortunate is he who lives in Their shelter for the just hand of God will never reach him."

Promises ~ Given by Jesus Himself to St. Faustina
1. "Those who venerate this picture (Divine Mercy portrait) shall not perish."
2. "I further promise to that soul victory over its enemies already here on earth and especially in the hour of death. I, Myself, shall defend that soul as my own glory."
3. "When punishments for sins shall come upon the earth, and your native land shall be in extreme abasement, the only salvation will be hope in Divine Mercy. I shall preserve the cities and homes which this picture shall be found; I shall protect likewise those persons who shall venerate and have confidence in My Mercy."
4. "Whoever will recite it will receive great mercy at the hour of death...Priests should recommend it to sinners as a last hope of salvation. Even the most hardened sinner, if he recites this chaplet even once, will receive grace from My infinite mercy . . . Oh, what great graces I will grant to souls who will recite this chaplet . . . By means of it you can ask and obtain anything, if what you ask for will be compatible with My will . . . I want the whole world to know My infinite mercy. I want to give unimaginable graces to those who trust in My mercy."
5. "Souls who spread the honor of My Mercy I will shield through their entire life as a tender mother her infant, and at the hour of death I will not be a Judge for them, but the Merciful Savior."
6. "Tell My priests that hardened sinners will crumble beneath their words when they will speak about My unfathomable Mercy, about the compassion I have for them in My heart. To priests who will proclaim and extol My Mercy I will give wonderful power, and I will anoint their words and I will touch the hearts to which they will speak."
7. "When they say this chaplet in the presence of the dying, I will stand between My Father and the dying person, not as the just Judge but as the Merciful Savior"
God's mercy is so unfathomable. I was going through a difficult time awhile back and the only thing I could hold onto was "Jesus, I trust in You." Now, the Chaplet is my favorite devotion. My children take naps in the afternoon, so many times I can catch the Chaplet at 2pm on EWTN. I can't imagine the time I would spend in Purgatory (assuming I make it there) if I didn't take advantage of Divine Mercy Sunday.
You are right, I and my family count on that Divine Mercy Sunday indulgence. Only thing is...I'm not sure about what happens to the person who's taken the Heroic Vow. I suspect even the Divine Mercy Indulgence goes to souls in purgatory...
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