Friday, June 15, 2007

Heaven's Promises ~ Devotion to the Blood Our Savior Shed on His Way to Calvary

The Devotion

St. Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary, with St. Matilda and St. Brigette, with great devotion and wishing to know something more of the Passion of Jesus Christ, together offered fervent and special prayers, upon which Our Lord revealed to them:

“I descended from heaven to earth to convert you. In ancient times, people were religious and had abundant harvests; at the present time, on the contrary, they are scarce.
If you want to have plentiful crops, you should not work Sundays, because on Sundays you must go to church to pray to God that He may forgive your sins. He gave you six days to work, and one for devotion and prayer, to help the poor and to assist the church.
I will not shelter or protect the people that quarrel against My religion, or slander this Sacred Letter.
On the contrary, those that carry a copy of this Letter with them, will not die from drowning or suffer a sudden death, die from contagious diseases, or be struck by lightning, will not die without confession, will be freed from their enemies and from the hand of unjust authority, and all false witnesses.
The women, who at childbirth are in danger, by having this Letter with them, will overcome any difficulty immediately. In the homes where this letter is kept nothing bad will ever occur, and forty days before death of a person that has this Prayer with them, the Most Holy Virgin will appear."

"To all the faithful who shall recite for 3 years, each day, 2 Our Fathers, 2 Hail Marys and 2 Glory Be's, in honor of the drops of Blood I lost, I will concede the following 5 graces:

1. The plenary indulgence and remittance of your sins.
2. You will be free from the pains of Purgatory.
3. If you should die before completing the said 3 years, for you it will be the same as if you had completed them.
4. It will be upon your death the same as if you had shed all your blood for the Holy Faith.
5. I will descend from Heaven to take your soul and that of your relatives, until the fourth generation.
Blessed and approved by His Holiness Pope Leo XIII in Rome, April 5, 1890.

"The thought of saving souls should always be on our mind. St. John Bosco stated it well: "There is nothing more holy in this world than to work for the good of souls, for whose salvation Jesus Christ poured out the last drops of His blood." St. Vincent de Paul tells us that: "The Salvation of men and our own are so great a good that they merit to be obtained at any price."
Sad to say, the great majority of Catholics put forth little or no effort in promoting the greater honor and glory of God and the salvation of souls. Let us keep in mind that if we manage to save one soul, we also ensure the salvation of our own. The Holy Ghost reveals this to us in the Holy Bible. (St. James 5:19,20)
This little card gives us a very easy way to save our own soul as well as the ones most dear to us – our family. See other side for details. You are urged to supply yourself with a large quantity of these cards and to distribute them liberally. This will be most pleasing to Our Dear Lord and a great way to store up treasures in Heaven." ~Exerpt from devotional pamphlet, see below.

(Source) Also here, here and here.

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