Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Piercing of the Side of Jesus and His Descent from the Cross

"My beloved children, I do not ask you to comfort me, for my soul is no longer capable of being consoled now that my Jesus has died. But if you wish to commiserate with me, look at me and see if there has ever been a sorrow like mine in the world, for the one I love so much has been torn from me with such great cruelty."
~St. Alphonsus Ligouri
Let us consider carefully the words St. Alphonsus puts on the lips of our Sorrowful Mother. Sadly, Mary's suffering does not end with the death of her, yet another sword of sorrow shall pierce her Immaculate Heart.
Let us now consider the sixth sorrow which transfixed Our Lady's soul - we ought to ponder and weep. According to St. Alphonsus Mary's sorrows up until now have tortured her one by one, but now they "converge, as it were, to assail her all at once." When Jesus died, Mary's first desire was to travel in spirit with Him to the Eternal Father, in order to there present Jesus to Him. "I present to You, O my God," he imagines her saying, "the immaculate soul of your and my Son. He has obeyed You to death. Receive Him therefore in Your arms. Your justice has now been satisfied, Your will accomplished. The great sacrifice to your eternal glory has now been consummated." Then our Suffering Mother turns to the lifeless body of her Son: "O wounds, O wounds of love, I adore you, and I am happy because of you. By means of you, salvation has been given to the world. You will remain open in the body of my Son and be the refuge of all who have recourse to you. How many will be pardoned for their sins through you! How many will be inflammed by you with love for Jesus!"
Jesus, through Your holy wounds you have saved the world. I bring to the foot of your cross, then to the feet of your holy Mother, in whose arms you now lifeless lay. Have mercy on us O Lord, grant us refuge in your wounds. Shelter us, O Lord for the wickedness and snares of the spirit of the world and bring us unto You in the light of endless song. Amen+

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