Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Prayers Honoring Our Lady's Sorrows II

Prayer before and Image of Mary Most Sorrowful Continued
(by Ven. Martin von Cochem)
I recall to thy mind this thine inexpressible anguish and beseech thee to obtain for me the pardon of my sins. O Mary, intercede for me with Jesus, whom thou didst bear in thine arms! O Jesus! O Mary! By thine unutterable suffering, have pity on me, a miserable sinner. O dearest Jesus, show to Thy Heavenly Father all the wounds and anguish which Thou didst bear for me. O sweetest Virgin, show Him all the tears which thou didst shed for me. O Son! O Mother! Show Him all the agony, all the anguish of heart which thou didst endure for me.
O Mary, I beseech thee, through this most painful mystery of thy dolors, obtain mercy for me from God the Father, and taking the mangled and dead body of thy beloved Son into thy maternal arms, offer Him to the Eternal Father in the same manner as thou didst once offer to Him His pierced side and thine own broken heart, His bitter sufferings and thy painful compassion, His and thy burning tears, His and thy sighs, in a word, everything which Jesus and thou didst suffer upon earth, that through these same sufferings, thou mayest obtain mercy and pardon for me. Amen+

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