Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Our Lady of La Salette IV

Our Lady's Tears at La Salette France September 19, 1846.

Our Lady of La Salette to the seers Melanie and Maximin: “If the harvest is spoiled, it is your own fault. I warned you last year by means of the potatoes. You paid no heed. Quite the reverse, when you discovered that the potatoes had rotted, you swore, you abused my Son’s name. They will continue to rot, and by Christmas this year there will be none left. If you have grain, it will do no good to sow it, for what you sow the beasts will devour, and any part of it that springs up will crumble into dust when you thresh it.”

“A great famine is coming. But before that happens, the children under seven years of age will be seized with trembling and die in their parents’ arms. The grownups will pay for their sins by hunger. The grapes will rot, and the walnuts will turn bad.”

Mary then turned to Maximin and spoke to him a secret, which Melanie could not hear. Our Lady of La Salette then turned to Melanie and confided to her a secret that Maximin could not hear. Then together they heard: “If people are converted, the rocks will become piles of wheat, and it will be found that the potatoes have sown themselves.”

The Queen of Heaven then looked at them questioningly, “Do you say your prayers well, my children?” “No,” they both admitted. “We hardly say them at all.”

“Ah, my children it is very important to say them, at night and in the morning. When you don’t have time, at least say and Our Father and a Hail Mary. And when you can, say more. Only a few rather old women go to Mass in the summer. All the rest work every Sunday throughout the summer. And in winter, when they don’t know what to do with themselves, they go to Mass only to poke fun at religion. During Lent they flock to the butcher shops, like dogs. My children, haven’t you ever seen spoiled grain?” “No, never,” replied Maximin.

“But my child, you must have seen it once, near Coin, with your papa. The owner of a field said to your papa, ‘Come and see my spoiled grain.’ The two of you went. You took two or three ears of grain in your in your fingers. You rubbed them, and they crumbled to dust. Then you came back from Coin. When you were but a half hour away from Corps, your papa gave you a piece of bread and said, ‘Well, my son, eat some bread this year, anyhow. I don’t know who’ll be eating any next year, if the grain goes on spoiling like that.’”

Maximin then remembered that long forgotten incident and marveled at how the beautiful Lady before him recounted it perfectly, word for word. He replied “It is very true, Madame. Now I remember it. Until now I had not.” Mary looked sternly at the children, “You will make this known to all my people.”

God will help her with His countenance: God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved. The stream of the river maketh the city of God joyful: the Most High hath sanctified His own tabernacle. Alleluia, alleluia. This is a wise virgin, and one of the number of the prudent. Alleuia, amen+
(Gradual Ps. 45 Mass of a Virgin Martyr)

(Sources: Meetings with Mary by Janice Connell. Ballantine Books. NY. 1995.
“You will make this known to all my people” by the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. New Bedford, MA. 1998)

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