Saturday, September 27, 2008

Save Us From the Fires of Hell IV

Meditations on Hell
(Source: The Way of Divine Love by TAN Books)
Sr. Josefa Menendez, a Spanish Nun of the Society of the Sacred Heart, lived from 1890-1923. Sr. Josefa was a holy religious and was blessed with frequent mystical experiences. She was a visionary of Our Lord and Our Lady. One of the series of phenomena occured in the form of mystical transportations to Hell and Purgatory.
The Catholic Church in her doctrine and dogma is perfect and kept in line by the Holy Spirit who guides it. However in the confusion of our society since the revolution of the last 40 or so years, sermons and clear teaching on the reality of hell is sadly lacking. It behooves each of us to think often on the consequences of serious sin. The consequence is the loss for all eternity of your soul to unending torment in the fires of hell.
"SISTER Josepha wrote with great reticence on this subject [hell]. She did it only to conform to Our Blessed Lord's wishes, Our Lady having told her on the 25th October 1922 "Everything that Jesus allows you to see and to suffer of the torments of hell, is.... that you may make it known to your Mothers. So forget yourself entirely, and think only of the glory of the Heart of Jesus and the salvation of souls."
Some extracts of her notes... She repeatedly dwelt on the greatest torment of hell, namely, the soul's inability to love. One of these damned souls cried out. "This is my torture...that I want to love and cannot; there is nothing left me but hatred and despair. If one of us could so much as make a single act of love... this would no longer be hell... we live on hatred and malevolence..'' (23 March 1922)
Another of these unfortunates said: "The greatest of our torments here is that we are not able to love Him whom we are bound to hate. Oh! how we hunger for love, we are consumed with desire of it, but it is too late...... You too will feel this same devouring hunger, but you will only be able to hate, to abhor, and to long for the loss of souls.... nothing else do we care for now! (26th March 1922)
The following passage was written by obedience, though it was extremely repugnant to Josefa's humility, "Every day now, when I am dragged down to hell and the devil orders them to torture me, they answer: "We cannot, for her members have undergone torture for Him....." (then they blasphemously name Our Blessed Lord)... then he orders them to give me a draught of sulphur... and again the reply is: "she has voluntarily deprived herself of drink..." "Try to find some part of her body to which she has given satisfaction and pleasure." I have also noted that when they shackle me to take me down to hell, they never can bind me where I have worn instruments of penance. I write all this simply out of obedience" (1st April 1922)"
Let us think of how we pamper ourselves, both physically and mentally, perhaps even spiritually. How often do we say "I just don't have time, I have so many important things to do, there's no time to pray, to offer sacrifices, etc" We are all busy, but try to take but a second to raise your mind and soul to Our Lord and offer Him your business and work as a prayer. Ask Him to make you holy so you will not suffer the fires of hell. Let us all pick up our crosses and follow Him on the narrow road which leads to Heaven.
Mary, Mother of Sorrows, be for me and my family the narrow gate which leads Heaven. O Holy Mother of God be my salvation! Amen+

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