Monday, February 5, 2007

Novena for the Holy Souls - Day 2

Praying for the Dead
"We do not often enough remember our dead, our faithful departed."
~St. Francis de Sales
The month of November is the month set aside by the Catholic church for praying for the dead. This pious practice ought to be practiced year round by the faithful however and only particularly stressed during November. Praying for the dead is biblical and has been preached by all the great Church Fathers & Doctors. More on this daily during this Novena.
(Source: Manna of the Soul by Fr. F. X. Lasance. Published by Benzinger Bros, NY. 1917)
O Lord God Almighty, I pray Thee by the precious blood which Thy divine Son Jesus shed in His cruel scourging, deliver the souls in Purgatory, and that soul especially amongst them all which is nearest to its entrace into Thy glory; that so it may forthwith begin to praise and bless Thee forever.
Our Father, Hail Mary
Blessed Souls, you are suffering and asking suffrage from me; I am in great danger and need, and I await aid and protection from you.
So for these nine days I will offer all my prayers and
especially all my good works for you.
And you in turn remember my needs; deliver me from the
dangers I face, and in particular, obtain for me this grace
(here mention your request)
And let the first of you to enter heaven not cease to
plead for me before the divine mercy until
I, too, arrive there. May the Sacred Heart
bless this agreement.
~Bl. James Albergione

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