Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Chaplet of Our Lady's Tears IV

How to Pray the Rosary of Our Lady of Tears

The rosary transmitted to Sister Amalia by the Mother of God consists of forty-nine white beads, which is divided into seven parts by seven larger beads of the same color -- similar to the rosary of the seven sorrows of Mary. At the end, there are attached three more small beads and a medal of our dear Lady of Tears.
Through these instructions we are directed to honor Mary our Mother on account of her sorrows, for which she shed many tears. The medal of our Lady of Tears is an essential part of the rosary, but it must be the way it was revealed to Sister Amalia by the Mother of God on April 30, 1930. In Germany, this medal is made with the specified inscription in all the European languages.

On the Medal to Jesus
(flipside of Medal of Our Lady's Tears)
O crucified Jesus, we fall at Your feet and offer You the tears of the one, who with deep compassionate love accompanied You on Your sorrowful way of the Cross. O good Master, grant that we take to heart the lessons which the tears of Your most holy Mother teach us, so that we may fulfill Your holy will on earth, that we may be worthy to praise and exalt You in Heaven for all eternity. Amen+

In Place of the Our Father
(and on the final three beads)
V. O Jesus, look upon the tears of the one who loved You most on earth,
R. And loves You most ardently in heaven.

In Place of the Hail Mary
V. O Jesus, listen to our prayers,
R. For the sake of the tears of your most Holy Mother.

On the Medal to Mary
O Mary, Mother of Love, Sorrow and mercy, we beseech you to unite your prayers with ours so that Jesus, your Divine Son, to whom we turn, may hear our petititons in the name of your maternal tears, and grant us, not only the favors we now ask, but the crown of everlasting life. Amen.
(Source, Pamphlet Our Dear Lady of Tears.
Buchweiser, Gen. - Bit.
Munchen, 22. Marz 1935)
Go HERE to purchase the chaplet - pamplet with overview of devotion and prayers included.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Chaplet of Our Lady's Tears III

Approved Apparition of Our Lady of Tears

Jesus fulfilled this promise to Sister Amalia exactly four months later, in the Spring of the following year. At the divinely appointed time, the Blessed Virgin Mary gave this treasure to heaven's beloved Institute. The following are Sister Amalia's own recollections of what took place.
"It was March 8, 1930. I was in the chapel kneeling on the steps of the altar, as I suddenly felt myself being lifted up.
Then I saw a woman of unspeakable beauty approaching me. She wore a violet robe, blue mantle, and a white veil draped over her shoulders. Smiling, she floated in the air towards me, holding a rosary in her hands, which she herself called "corona" [i.e. circle and means rosary]. Its beads shined like the sun and were as white as snow. Handing me this rosary she said to me,
'This is the rosary of my tears, which is being entrusted by my Son to His beloved Institute as a portion of His inheritance. The invocations were already given by my Son. My Son wants to honor me in a special way through these invocations, and so, He will grant all graces that are begged for the sake of my tears. This rosary will provide for the conversion of many sinners, especially those possessed by the devil. To the Institute of the Crucified Jesus is reserved a special honor, that is the conversion of many members of a wicked sect to the blooming tree of the Church. Through this rosary the devil will be conquered and the power of hell will be destroyed. Get ready for this great battle.'
When our Blessed Mother Mary had finished speaking, she disappeared."

According to a pamphlet entitled "Our Dear Lady of Tears" which bears the church's Imprimatur, "Innumerable graces have been received through the praying of the rosary to honor the tears of our dear Lady. The reason lies in the promise of the holy Savior, 'no favor will be refused, when asked of Him for the sake of the tears of His most holy Mother.' "

Our Lord Jesus rewards in a special way the sincere reverence for the sorrows of His most holy Mother. Consider praying rosary of our Lady of the Tears daily for nine days, receive the sacraments and perform works of mercy this Lent.

The official account dating to the 1930's also states: "From religious, we understand, that the praying of this rosary is a pious practice to which they attribute extraordinary graces. For that reason, they pray it daily often to ask graces for themselves and others, the conversion of sinners, heretics, and atheists, to obtain graces for priests and missionaries, to help the dying, and to free the poor souls from Purgatory."
When we are in sorrow and suffering fills our soul, let us direct our thoughts to God. Through the tears of Mary, His most holy Mother, we can soften the heart of God, even though it is ever ready to grant us mercy, graces and blessings.
"At the present, so it seems to us, the blessed tears of the Mother of Jesus are especially powerful to win the heart of God." -- Msgr. Count Franciscus von Campos Barreto, Bishop of Campinas, Brazil where these apparitions took place.

(Source, Catholic Devotions)

Go HERE to purchase this chaplet (scroll down)