"The title of 'Sorrowful' belongs therefore to the Heart of My mother, and more than any other, this title is dear to her because it springs from the union of her Heart with Mine in the redemption of humanity. This title had been acquired be her through her full participation in My Calvary, and it precedes the gratuitous title 'Immaculate' which My love bestowed upon her by singular privilege." Jesus to Berthe Petit, 1920
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary
"The title of "Immaculate" belongs to the whole being of My mother and not specially to her Heart. This title flows from my gratuitous gift to the Virgin who was to give Me birth. My mother has acquired for her Heart the title of "Sorrowful" by sharing generously in all the sufferings of My Heart and My Body from the crib to the Cross. There is not one of these Sorrows which did not pierce the Heart of My mother. Living image of My crucified body, her virginal flesh bore the invisible marks of My wounds as her Heart felt the Sorrows of My own. Nothing could ever tarnish the incorruptibility of her Immaculate Heart." Jesus to Berthe Petit, 1920.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Easygoing weakness of Catholics
"In our time more than ever before the greatest asset of the evilly disposed is the cowardice and weakness of good men, and all the vigor of Satan's reign is due to the easygoing weakness of Catholics. Oh! If I might ask the divine Redeemer, as the prophet Zachary did in spirit: 'What are those wounds in the midst of Your hands?' the answer would not be doubtful. 'With these I was wounded in the house of those who did nothing to defend Me and who, on every occasion, made themselves the accomplices of My adversaries.' And this reproach can be levelled at the weak and timid Catholics of all countries." Pope St. Pius X (Beatification of Joan of Arc, December 13, 1908).
I grabbed this wondrous quote at La Salette Journey, go here for the complete post.
What a stark, and horrifying true statement of this time spoken in a time when the lawlessness of Mankind was not nearly as bad as today.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Persevere under discipline
Monday, March 2, 2009
"I think modern life, including life in the Church, suffers from a phony unwillingness to offend that poses as prudence and good manners, but too often turns out to be cowardice. Human beings owe each other respect and appropriate courtesy. But we also owe each other the truth—which means candor. " —Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Rendering Unto Caesar: The Catholic Political Vocation, February 23rd, 2009, Toronto, Canada
Dear Mother of God, please obtain the grace from your Divine Son the grace of more bishops such as this one. Amen+